API Rate Limits

Our primary goal is to provide a reliable and consistent service to all our users. By implementing these rate limits, we aim to:

  • Ensure fair usage: Prevent any single user from consuming excessive resources.

  • Improve performance: Maintain high performance and availability for all users.

  • Enhance stability: Reduce the likelihood of service interruptions and downtime.

Here are some common aspects of API rate limits:

  1. Request Limit: The maximum number of requests allowed within a specified period (e.g., per minute, hour, or day).

  2. Burst Limit: The maximum number of requests allowed in a short burst. This is usually higher than the sustained request limit but applies over a much shorter time frame.

  3. Quota Limit: A cumulative limit over a longer period, such as the total number of requests allowed per month.

  4. User/IP Limits: Limits that apply per user or per IP address to prevent a single user or IP from consuming excessive resources.

  5. Endpoint-specific Limits: Different limits for different API endpoints based on their resource intensity or importance.

  6. Concurrent Requests Limit: The maximum number of concurrent API calls that can be made.

When the rate limit is exceeded, the API typically responds with an HTTP status codesuch as 429 Too Many Requests. The response may include information about when the rate limit will reset and how long to wait before making additional requests.

Default Rate Limits

APIEndpointRate LimitDescription



  • 600 RPM or 10 RPS

  • Submit up to 100 Numbers Per Request

Global Limit



600 RPM or 10 RPS

Global Limit



60 RPM or 1 RPS

Global Limit


Send SMS

10 TPS

Adjustable Limit




Application Programming Interface


Hypertext Transfer Protocol


Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface


Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol


Internet Protocol


Maximum no. of requests allowed in the current period


Requests Per Minute


Requests Per Second


Transactions Per Second

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Last updated